Frequently asked questions

Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find questions to your answers here, you are very welcome to write to us at We aim to respond within 24 hours during normal working hours.

What is an energy community?

An energy community consists of one or more buildings on the same plot buying electricity and using solar panels together.

In energy communities with collective electricity supply, each residence is equipped with a submeter and individual electricity bills are calculated together.

The overall aim of the energy community is to provide consumers with savings and more sustainable energy/CO2-free electricity.

How is solar power distributed?
Every hour, electricity produced from the shared solar panels is distributed evenly between all consumers within the energy community.

In the event that there is an excess of electricity, it will be evenly distributed among the consumers who were not initially “saturated”.

This is done through Enyday’s readings of the electricity meters, after which our distribution software calculates each consumer’s use of solar power and purchased electricity for every hour.

How do you save money in an energy community?
  • Buying electricity together within the energy community results in reduced prices because of economies of scale in negotiations with the electricity supplier.
  • Solar power is shared within the energy community.
  • A further benefit will be a reduction in the monthly payments to the electricity supplier and grid company.
How is the electricity bill devised?
Enyday automatically prepares monthly electricity bills based on readings of the submeters, so that you can always keep track of your electricity consumption.

In contrast to traditional billings such as water and heat that are based on an initial and final reading, Enyday’s calculations are based on hourly readings.

Solar power is distributed between all consumers and the common consumption on an hourly basis and the excess is purchased from the electrical grid. In this way, everyone is billede more fairly for their electricity consumption. Moreover, consumers are rewarded for their good behavior, when they allocate as much electricity consumption as possible to when the sun is shining.

You can always find your electricity bills by logging into the Enyday app.

When and how do I pay? And what am I paying for?

Electricity is settled at the end of each month and to be paid together with the rent. You will be charged one month in arrears for the previous month. You only pay for the electricity you use.

For example, the electricity consumption for May is paid along with the rent for June.

The housing administration can freely choose whether they want to handle the invoicing manually or use Enyday’s integration to prevalent housing administration systems (e.g. UNIK Bolig), who are responsible for the monthly invoicing of individuals. Charges will often be made via a payment service.  

What kind of live data does the Enyday app show?
You get real-time insight into your electricity consumption and the fluctuating electricity prices and you can get more out of your shared solar cells by following when they perform best.
In what ways can you use the platform as a consumer?
All consumers have access to Enyday’s digital platform and app, where you can, among other things:


  • See individual and collective electricity data for all consumers and buildings (and distinguish between purchased electricity and solar electricity)
  • Monitor electricity prices (keep track of whether the electricity prices are high or low)
  • Automatic electricity billing and data (download electricity bills on a monthly basis)
How do I change my profile information?
You can easily and quickly change the information associated with your profile on the platform and in the app.

On the platform, you log in and click on the user icon in the top right corner. Next, you click ‘edit’ and then you will be able to change the information.

In the app, you log in and click on the menu in the top right corner. Next, you click on ‘profile’ and the green edit button and then you will be able to change the information.

What does real-time mean?
Real-time data refers to data that is available right now. Some buildings receive new data every 5-10 seconds, while others receive it every 1-2 minutes.

You can, for example, monitor whether your solar panels produce more electricity than the energy community is using at the moment, so you will always know how much of your electricity is sustainable.

How is the electricity meter read?
All electricity meters are read automatically at least once an hour for billing purposes.

Enyday reads the submeters for all residences, solar systems and all common consumption, as well as the main meter in the energy community.

How is data verified?
Enyday uses a professional third-party hardware solution (gateway) for reading raw data from the electricity meters. The raw data is available to the administrator and is available upon request.

Enyday uses Kamstrup, ABB, Elvaco and others for reading your electricity consumption.

What happens when there is an excess of solar power?
Your solar power system produces electricity primarily for your own consumption within the energy community. However, when more electricity is produced than you can use, the excess will be sold to the electrical grid.

Good solar panels should provide good coverage even on cloudy days in the off-season, which is why electricity is often sold to the electrical grid when the weather is good.

With both solar cells and batteries becoming more cost-effective, battery storage systems will be able to store enough excess electricity from daytime production to be used at night. Batteries for 24-hour storage are thus within reach.

Who pays for the building’s common consumption?
Electricity is provided to the energy community by a collective supplier and billed to the housing administration.

Electricity bills for the building’s common consumption are sent to the building administrator, not the consumers.

Consumers can access their own electricity bills in the app or on the platform.

How is the electricity price determined for purchased electricity?
The electricity price per kWh is invoiced 1:1 matching the price from the electricity company.

Each electricity bill includes the tariffs for transporting electricity over the electrical grid.